Enables virtual car design with visionOS Spatial Personas
The MB Configurator allows Mercedes designers to visualize and collaborate on car models without needing to build expensive clay models, and travel around the world to look at them.
Features include the ability to move and rotate car models, open various models, and change car model materials. There’s also a table with objects that users can pick up to see what different parts might look like on the car, including a phyics-based tire that users can also throw or roll around the room if they’re bored!
The app uses the Vision Pro’s Spatial Persona photorealistic avatar system for remote collaboration. Everything in the app is synchronized across participants, including physics-based movement on grabbable objects.
I was responsible for all of the app’s engineering.
The app was built in Unity using PolySpatial, Unity’s wrapper around the built-in RealityKit engine on visionOS. As far as I know, it’s one of the first Unity-based visionOS apps to integrate SharePlay and Spataial Personas, using a Swift library I created to interface with the SharePlay/GroupActivities API and bridge it with Unity/C# code. Multiplayer scene state synchronization is done peer-to-peer through the GroupActivities messaging system using custom scene state serialization code.
Also covered by Car and Driver: https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a62963154/mercedes-benz-is-driving-forward-to-the-future/